Saturday, December 1, 2012

Clean White Love

29 days ago I walked out of my school hall and out of my very last exam, finally free of the HSC (Higher School Certificate), an uncommon means of torture that has taken over my life for the past year. As finishing the HSC meant finishing high school, I quickly found myself facing the question: What am I going to do with this ridiculous amount of free time?

As always, writing a list quickly answered that question for me. "Start blogging again" was at the top of my Post HSC to-dos. I was going to continue with my previous blog, Ducks Like Tea, but decided to start afresh. And so, here I am!

I've also been planning on giving my room a bit of a makeover since I finished school. I'm really liking clean white spaces with splashes of colour, so hopefully I will be able to mimic the spaces below in some way, shape or form. They're just so lovely!

{Sources: One, Two, Three, Four and Five}

1 comment:

  1. Oh these are so incredible! Thank you for sharing your inspiration ^^


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