Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Just some pretty images of what I wish my home looked like at Christmas! 

I'm going away for a couple of days to spend some time with my family over Christmas, so I won't be posting for a while. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your family and friends, eat lots of good food and get exactly what you asked Santa for :).

{Sources: One, Two, Three, Four and Five}

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular

Anyone who knows me even slightly well knows that I am a huge Doctor Who fan. I'm talking dressing up as a TARDIS, trying fish fingers and custard, being able to pronounce Raxacoricofallapatorious with ease and owning a Doctor Who encyclopaedia. I even have a life size cutout of Matt Smith hidden away in my wardrobe. Accordingly, when I got tickets to see the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular at the Sydney Opera House, my little nerdy heart just about exploded with delight.

I travelled up to Sydney to see it last Sunday, and I don't think I can adequately describe how amazing it was! Where do I even begin? The music played, mostly from the last three series of Doctor Who, was absolutely brilliant. Alex Kingston (River Song) and Mark Williams (Rory's Dad) hosted it and were equally as brilliant. I think my favourite part of the show, however, was the monsters. There were Cybermen, Daleks, Ood, Judoon, The Silence, Vampires of Venice and Silurians all walking around the hall! At one point a cyberman was standing at the end of our row, only a few seats away from me, and I actually found myself feeling slightly scared after watching them "delete" people in so many episodes! The noise they made when they walked was spot on and super creepy.

The Daleks especially made quite an appearance. After the interval they appeared on stage and announced that the Sydney Opera House was to be the headquarters of their new empire, and that all audience members would be servants of the daleks ("You will obey!"). The Daleks then proceeded to bring forward the "slave conductor" - Ben Foster, very cute and British and resembles David Tennant slightly. You can see him in the third photo above. They instructed him to lead the orchestra in a sequence that would convert everyone to the Dalek cause. Or he would be exterminated. Yep.

Basically, it was a perfect show and I wish I could see it all over again. If you're a Doctor Who fan and ever hear of something like this occurring somewhere nearby (or in my case seven hours away), you should most definitely buy tickets and go!

{The first three images are from the Sydney Opera House's Facebook page and the final two were taken by me}

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just a minute in December

I've always enjoyed reading the "Just a minute in..." posts over at Here comes the sun so I thought I would do one myself :).

Watching... Buffy! Lots and lots of Buffy. I'd forgotten how much I love this show.

Listening to... Josh Pyke, because his voice and his lyrics are lovely.

Reading... Tim Winton's Shallows. I've only just started, but he's a wonderful author and I really loved all his other books, so I'm expecting to love this one too.

Working on... applications for university related things - scholarships, flexible entry, accommodation etc. Some of the applications are ridiculously lengthy so I'll be glad when they're all finished.

Looking forward to... lots of things, big and small. Tonight I'm staying at a friend's house and I'm looking forward to just catching up and watching girly movies and eating junk food.

This weekend I'm going to see the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular at the Sydney Opera House, something I have been counting down the days till. Who wouldn't want to be sitting in Concert Hall as it's "invaded" by Cybermen, Daleks and the Silence? Plus, Mark Williams (aka the man who played Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter) is one of the hosts! My head is about to explode from nerdy excitement.

And finally, I am most looking forward to finding out my HSC results (I get them in exactly a week, yikes), what university courses I've been offered and accordingly getting an idea of what exactly I am going to be doing over the next few years!

P.S. That's my puppy wearing the Santa hat. His name is Sandy :).

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jelly Beans

Jelly sandals remind me of childhood summers - jumping around under the sprinkler and rushing to buy soft serves from the ice-cream van and painting on butchers paper and learning to ride a bike and digging in sand pits with plastic trowels and swinging on driveway gates. Accordingly, finding out that they're being remade in "big sizes" has made me super happy (and a bit nostalgic). I am definitely going to need to treat myself to a pair of these!

You can check out the Jelly Beans website here or have a look at their amusingly titled Facebook page "Don't Be Jealy" here.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Wishlist

Yesterday I was in a ridiculously Christmassy (that's definitely a word) mood. I put up the Christmas tree and other decorations whilst watching Love Actually whilst drinking Twinings Christmas Tea out of a Christmas mug. Yep. I'm surprised I didn't whip out the Christmas carols CD too. My Christmassy mood is still hanging around today so I thought I would make a wish list! 

1. Peter Alexander Penny Soft Serve PJ Set - because who doesn't want pyjamas that come packaged in an ice-cream van?
2. Nancy in Milk by The Horse.
3. Mimosas for Mr & Mrs OPI Nail Polish. All the nail polishes I own are quite bright so it would be nice to have a natural shade.
4. ASOS Paisley Bikini. I've actually already bought this but it's so cute I couldn't resist including it here!
5. Charms for my Pandora bracelet. Isn't the snowman adorable?

What do you want for Christmas?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Post high school holidays

Things I have been enjoying doing with all the lovely free time I have now that high school is all over:

  • Reading, reading, reading! I have bought so many books throughout the year and it's so nice to actually begin them.
  • Watching a LOT of TV on DVD - particularly Castle. I am way too emotionally invested in the two leading characters.  I think I'm also driving my family crazy because I walk around the house whistling the theme tune regularly. 
  • Sitting down and relaxing with a cup of tea, rather than just downing mug after mug whilst studying!
  • Getting back into running. 
  • Watching movies in bed with hot chocolate and fairy lights (although this is getting harder since its so hot!) 
  • Road trips with my friends to tiny towns.

  • I'm also busy trying to find a job for next year, so I can save up some money for university. I've got an interview later this week for a gap year position at a local solicitors. I just think it would be such an interesting job and would keep my mind busy, so my fingers are crossed!

    Saturday, December 1, 2012

    Clean White Love

    29 days ago I walked out of my school hall and out of my very last exam, finally free of the HSC (Higher School Certificate), an uncommon means of torture that has taken over my life for the past year. As finishing the HSC meant finishing high school, I quickly found myself facing the question: What am I going to do with this ridiculous amount of free time?

    As always, writing a list quickly answered that question for me. "Start blogging again" was at the top of my Post HSC to-dos. I was going to continue with my previous blog, Ducks Like Tea, but decided to start afresh. And so, here I am!

    I've also been planning on giving my room a bit of a makeover since I finished school. I'm really liking clean white spaces with splashes of colour, so hopefully I will be able to mimic the spaces below in some way, shape or form. They're just so lovely!

    {Sources: One, Two, Three, Four and Five}
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